Hay There Social Media was proud to be one of hundreds of businesses that recently participated in the Kidslinked Music and Arts Harvest Festival in Columbus, OH. The weather cooperated and families came out in droves! (PS a big congratulations to our friend, Renee Belbeck and the National Association of W.O.M.E.N., for their partnership with KidsLinked, a one of-a-kind, family focused resource.)
Welcome Upstanders!
Two of the Hay There Social Media gals, Emily and Sheri, greeted hundreds of parents and kids to talk about how to use social media safely and how to create a positive digital footprint, the subject of our online video training program, “Saving Face for Parents of Tweens.”
Everyone who visited Hay There Social Media on-site got one of our “upstander” bracelets, to remind them to be “upstanding digital citizens.” (We love to sport these ourselves of course!)
Is that a bowl of money?!
Well, sort of ☺ Each bracelet came with play money for the kids that carried an important message for parents. “Saving Face for Parents of Tweens” is being used a fundraiser for schools, youth groups and PTOs/PTAs.
30% of every $47 program sale goes back to the selling group. (Looks like you no longer need to just sell cookie dough or gift wrap to fundraise!) It was a productive day sharing the educational and financial benefits of Saving Face.
Parents of Tweens
As a parent, its critically important to take proactive steps to help your tech savvy tween become a responsible digital citizen. Sometimes its easy to think that tweens are ready for social media because they are often “tech-savvy.” Tweens may breeze through smartphone apps, update Facebook with their eyes closed and turn to YouTube for everything; however, tweens don’t necessarily have the social maturity to use these networks with their long-term reputations in mind. We had one mom stop by our booth who told us about some recent issues she had with her tween daughter who got in trouble by using a Facebook account mom didn’t know about. The mom said, “I wish I would have had this program a month ago.”
What questions do you have about social media for your tweens? Please feel free to share your experience with us – the good, the bad and the ugly –as we can all learn.
A big thank you to KidsLinked for hosting such a wonderful event!
Saving Face for Parents of Tweens includes 7 instructional videos for parents covering topics like digital citizenship, cyberbullying, social media manners, and safety and privacy to name a few. If you’d like to take a look, get a preview, and learn how to raise money for your child’s school, please visit here.