Want to get more out of your senior living community or home care agency’s social media marketing? Punch up your visuals! Sure, the words you use to inform and educate your audience in your posts are what gets your point across — but the imagery is what first draws people in. So, unless your visuals are on target, no one will be reading what you have to share.

So, how do you execute your visual content to see the biggest impact on social media? Hay There Social Media founder Emily A. Hay teamed up with Caring.com in their Digital Marketing Academy to present the free webinar, “Visual Content in 2021: Its Importance and How to Execute.”

What IS Visual Content?

Visual content is anything that draws the eye in within a split second. That includes:

• Pictures (one, or multiple images in a “carousel”)
• GIFs (animated images)
• Videos (longer videos with or without talking)
• Memes (images with words that resonate)

Why is Visual Content so Important?

Your audience, your potential customer, is busy. She goes on social media when she has a free minute, and spends her time looking at things that draw her in. By how it makes her feel.

How does YOUR social media marketing content make her feel?

As a senior living community or home care agency, you need to give her the information she needs — but package it in a way that sticks with her.

Put yourself in her shoes. What draws you in when you’re browsing your own social media accounts? Pair that knowledge with the message you want her to have, and focus on the visuals you’ll use to best convey that information.

How do you get better visuals?

You’re aware of stock photo accounts…but those don’t do anything to connect with your audience on a real, personal level for them to know you and trust you. Sometimes you can use stock photos if you’re using them as background, but it’s better to create your own images that help tell your story.

Here are some ideas:

• Photo shoot. Set up a lifestyle shoot, with clear objectives set in advance, to capture the real-life imagery of your senior living community or home care agency.
• Videos. During your photo shoot, or events, have someone record them as video. Later, you can edit to shorter clips, gifs, or longer videos.
• Memes. Use images from your photo shoot or the B-roll images of items (or stock images if you must) and layer inspiring words to connect — and have the potential to be shareable.
• Photo Editing Software. There are tons of free and paid websites to help you edit your images and create memes to make whatever pictures you took even more visually appealing.

Learn more about how to make your visual content better!

You can leverage the visual content in a plethora of ways — all you need to do is take a minute to think outside the box and plan for it! Watch the webinar to learn more, or review these slides from the presentation.

Still want more social media marketing help? Our team at Hay There Social Media can help you strategize and execute your social media marketing and digital content plan. Contact us today!

Deanna Rose

Author at Social Media Manager Training Courses
Deanna Rose has contributed 22 articles on https://haytheresocialmedia.com since June 12, 2020.

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