Why a Discovery Call is MORE Important than a Proposal

We often think that CLOSING business with a prospective client is the event to celebrate.  In reality, you may close a lot less business than you prepare proposals for.   Yet proposals can only be as strong as the discovery call that was held to prepare them.  So at Hay There, we prepare for – and celebrate! – effective discovery calls with prospective clients, just as much as closing the new business itself.

In our “Prospecting for Business and Discovery Call Module,” of Core Training, we give women the specific steps to take for 30 days that results in a discovery call (or many!) leading you to paid work opportunity.

When this prospecting work is working, you will know when you start to schedule discovery calls. THAT is when the stage is set and your outreach has paid off, and you are LIVE in front of your new potential client.

If the discovery call is done right, it’s the secret to creating a living on your terms. 

You read that right.

We cannot overstate how important SLAYING your discovery call is to getting the results you want!

So, what is a “Discovery Call” anyway?

This is the call you have with a prospective client. It can be done in person, or by phone but often held via Zoom.  It’s all about listening first and gathering the essential information you need to craft an effective proposal that resonates with your client’s vision. 

Think of yourself as a doctor on this call, simply taking symptoms from the visiting patient.  In other words, you are there to listen and gain enough information to be able to prepare a proposal; not to make recommendations for them on the spot. 

Having a successful discovery call is the gatekeeper to accessing the next step: creating a proposal that will close.

Here are the objectives of a successful discovery call:

SPOILER: Keep it SIMPLE. Do not overcomplicate this call.

If you…
  • …uncover what’s worked well for them in the past and what hasn’t quite hit the mark in the realm of social media marketing.
  • …can identify what aspects of their social media strategy they handle in-house and what they’ve outsourced before.
  • …have explored their goals and aspirations for their social media presence.
Then you have conducted a successful Discovery Call! 

You have nearly everything you need to craft a compelling proposal, assuming it’s a scope of work that interests you.

A successful discovery call should give you that added layer of understanding to be competent enough to diagnose the needs of your prospect in a proposal, giving you permission to prepare a cohesive strategy with the utmost confidence that will close business. 💵

Sometimes this “prospecting and discovery” part of running your business can feel lonely. And let’s face it – it’s not easy work.

Hay There Social Media’s Core Training was designed to create support based on over a decade of first hand experience with the content we teach. Our community is always open for conversation, or to bounce ideas, even pricing around with colleagues.

Want more help with Discovery Calls?

We have mock-calls recorded, ACTUAL Discovery Calls with prospective clients recorded (with the business owner’s permission of course) and scripts to follow in our upskilling library.

Want live practice?  Let’s role play with you!  

Yes, it can feel awkward and uncomfortable at first but better to feel that way with us TODAY in exchange for a feeling of confidence with a prospective client TOMORROW.

Emily A. Hay

Founder & Instructor at Social Media Manager Training Courses
Creator of flexible work opportunities for moms since 2009 | Shared our journey in FAIR PLAY Documentary by Reese’s Hello Sunshine based off Eve Rodsky’s book 🎥 | Work+Life Integrator 👩‍💻 👧 👧

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